The following are considered in the selection process for Year 1:
18 to 29 years in age
with experience living and/or working in communities struggling with an
unjust food system, and with some experience addressing social justice issues, including immigration, education,
criminalization, affordable housing, and environmental justice.
People with the passion and commitment to create a food system that works for people and the planet.
and skills in creative expression (cooking, art, music, dance, poetry,
facilitation, graphics, film, social media, etc) and willingness to
apply them in local work and in national campaigns.
are sought throughout the United States. We especially encourage
applicants from Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa,
Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico,
New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Please contact us for clarification or learn about other ways to be involved.