We envision a food system that truly works for We, the People. A system where "real food" is the norm, from the corner store to Capitol Hill.
If we succeed—and we MUST--vacant lots will become vibrant gardens.
Family farms, food traditions, and wildlife will thrive. Our planet and
climate will sustain us. Hard work will be fairly rewarded. And good
health will be a birthright, not a struggle. Every person will have the right and the means to produce, procure, process, prepare, eat, and share foods that are nutritious and culturally appropriate.
That’s not all. We are creating a social culture that reflects our type of agri-culture.
It’s a culture where diversity is strength, where young and old
work together, where both self-reliance AND interdependence are
valued, where all people have meaningful roles, and all voices are equally valued in the community and