We want to see a transformation in federal food policy - legislation that supports equitable, ecological food systems that work for people and the planet.
To this end, youth and adults across the country are signing on to a letter to Congress that lays out five core principles: a. Our work matters. Youth food justice organizations change lives. Expand funding for them through the Community Food Projects program. b. Enough of the junk. Shift funding priorities from processed food to real food. Invest in fresh fruit and vegetable access – especially in schools and for food stamp recipients. c. Create jobs. Our communities need them, and investment in local food economies is a great way to create them. Support entrepreneurship development through local and regional food systems. d. Healthy food depends on a healthy planet. Maintain funding for environmental programs e. Healthy food depends on healthy people. Labor abuse and mistreatment must be eliminated. Federal subsidies should be withheld from any employers that abuse their workers in the fields or in factories.