As of right now, I can’t make the fellowship orientation. Should I still apply? This
situation may need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. We
understand that scheduling conflicts may arise, and thus, we ask if
there may significant challenges in the application in Part 5 (Program
Commitments and Expectations), Question 3. We will weigh the entire
application and not solely on whether or not you will be able to make it
to the orientation, and thus, won't disqualify applicants
automatically. Please know that the in-person orientation is a
significant opportunity during the program for deeper individual and
group enrichment and training. Please be honest with where you’re at in
that part of the application.
I have a full-time job. Does that disqualify me from being a fellow? Having
a full-time commitment does not necessarily disqualify you from being a
fellow as long as expectations are met and communication is clear. We
envision fellows who are able to tie and bridge their life's values with
projects they manifest. There may be opportunities to entertain
fellowship projects in coordination with full-time commitments.
I am unable to apply for this year, but would be interested in applying next year. Is this an annual fellowship? Our
intention is to have this be an annual fellowship. We are currently
working on a fellowship program for youth 18 years and younger that
coincides with this one for 18-29 starting in Year 2. Regardless of
age, there are plenty of opportunities to engage as leaders with Live
Real and advocates to change our food system. Please contact us.
After submitting a “Part” of the online application, there’s a blank screen? Please
note that technical and technological errors may occur during your
application process. Please check your internet connection and
bandwidth and/or computer system. It is encouraged that individuals
using the online application copy, paste, and save each "Part" into
another format (.doc, .txt, etc.) while you apply as to not lose
information in case a technical error occurs. Please also consider the
.doc, .pdf, or mailing options. If anything, please contact us.
Where is the Fellowship in-person orientation? Plans are underway for an orientation on the US east coast either in New York City or Boson. Travel costs will be covered.
Why is this fellowship only for people between the ages of 18-29? Live
Real believes that young people have an important role to play in
solving the problems of our food system. Each of us on Live Real’s
team came to food justice work as youth or as young adults working
with youth. Over the years, we’ve watched the movement grow
exponentially, but we’ve also seen that there is a real need for
young people to step into their power and be recognized as legitimate
change-makers whose voices must be heard. We've learned from studying past movements that when young people lead, real change happens.
are over 100 organizations nationwide that work with youth,
particularly youth from low-income communities and communities of
color, to transform local food systems. Participants often age out
of these programs when they turn 18 or finish high school, and we’ve
seen firsthand the lack of opportunities for further engaging or
developing the leadership of these young people.
our experience, this age range – 18-29 – can be an interesting
and difficult time – you’re not quite a “youth” anymore, but
you’re also not always taken seriously as an adult.
believe that young people have a unique role to play in in
expressing a creativity and energy that can bring people together and
inspire us all. We’re making this investment in young adults to
develop their voices as spokespeople for a rising generation making
transformative change. We believe that an investment in this
leadership is a service to all people, of all ages, who want to
realize just, sustainable food systems.
“I’m under 18 years old” or “I’m older than 29 years old”. How may I be involved with Live Real? We
understand that change in our food system needs to happen with all
people at all ages. Live Real, among many others, is a platform to do
so. In particular, its focus is growing a community of youth and
allies. Many of our partners are "elder youth" who have vibrant energy,
engage directly with "younger youth" around real food, and have been
part of many real food movements. The fellowship is one of a few burgeoning programs
we're considering this first year. Regardless of age, please do contact us.
Where will the conferences and gatherings be that Fellows can participate in? Please check out the Timeline for more information. Cities and links have been added.